Thursday 20 November 2014

My learning

I am learning to identify word families. This will help me in my reading and writing.

 We read this book by Julia Donaldson. I designed a new cover for it using my creative idea's.
 I am learning to talk about a text in detail.
I liked this book because there were two houses in it.
 Today in discovery I showed the Key Competency 'Using language, symbols and texts' by writing a story with a buddy. It was amazing.

Here is some of my writing. I am proud of it because I have used interesting words and idea's.
My next step is to use punctuation correctly.

Astronauts on the move. 

This is Mike preparing for take off in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.  Blast off!! We are going to the moon preparing  for landing.  Look at this place! Yummy! Yummy! Cheese! Get as many cheese as you can. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Aliens -  get your guns out boys!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!! One man is down sir what? noooooooooooooooooooo!!! sorry sir Beep! Beep! Pow! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! ZZZZzzzz  wake up! men we have work to do. yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!!! yoo yoo hooo hooo wooooooo!!! we did it! the space ship is destoryed oh! no!  tiger tank spead out! 

By Donovan Clemant Hamlin 

Astronauts take two!!!!

There was a fire in the space shuttle. Boom! Pow! Flames shot out the side. The captain was VERY angry. He screamed at the message pilot. "Stop what you are doing," he said. The messager pilot said what about the tiger tank. Pow!! boom!! zap!! we must retreat!! master!! peaple said you were dead!!! now come on!  beep! boom!! nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!

 Kelly Tarltons

On Saturday I went on a plane. We went to Auckland and it was cool! We got to borrow someones car and we got to sleep in a motel. It was a
awesome. We even had a tv it was great! and I played my DS! then it was the end of the day good night.

on sunday we went to kelly tailtons we saw the fish and Deepsea divers it was fun! I loved going to kelly tailtons.
on monday I went to rainbows end we went on all the rides it was fun! I loved going to rainbows end.
on tuesday was a normal day I did some drawing and writing and I played with my lego.
On Weusday was normal we were geting on the plane to go home.Next stop .the plane was very very fast I was going to eat cookie time I had the best weeked in the solersstem.

Picture description

The green guy is a crocodile. On his head is a blue feather. His body colour is green like the grass. The people are pirates. They are looking for treasure with their treasure map. The pink guy is an octopus. His skin colour is pink like a pink marshmellow. His eye is larger than a ball. He lives in the large blue ocean. The little boxes are the treasure chests which the pirates are looking for. It has lots of jewelery. The little insects are spiders. Their ability is webs and they can hang from the rocks. The firepot is what the pirates took incase they wanted to cook food incase they got hungry. The black creature is a black scary smart and brave bat. He can fly and he's got pointy sharp teeth. His skin colour is black. The rock with a person on it is to unlock the chamber tunnel. The dirt is as brown as mud. The rocks are large strong and grey.

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